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The summer school at Wake Forest offers unique flexibility to accrue credits toward an academic degree as well as great opportunities to study abroad. WFU Summer Sessions are split into two approximately five week terms. First term will be offered May 28 – July 2 and second term will be offered July 8 – August 9.

Students can enroll in a maximum of 7 credit hours per term. Any course load beyond 7 hours must be approved by the Committee on Academic Affairs. A maximum credit load in both terms is the equivalent to a full semester’s work at Wake Forest.

Many of the basic courses required for the baccalaureate degree are offered, as well as a variety of advanced and elective classes. For graduate courses offered during the summer school, please visit

WFU Summer Session is available to current Wake Forest students as well as students currently in high school or attending another college or university.

Click below to learn more about our available summer courses and programs: