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How many courses am I allowed to take per summer session?

You can take up to 7 credit hours during each summer session. This typically works out to 2 classes.

When is the deadline for registering for summer courses?

Current Wake Forest students can self-register between March 17 – May 30, 2025. After May 30, you will need to contact the Summer Session office to register or drop courses. Visitors can register via our online application system between March 17 and up to a week before classes begin for each session. Some courses fill up fast, so an early application is recommended.

I attend another college. Can I take summer courses at Wake Forest?

Yes. You will need to complete a visitor application and submit to us along with a letter of good standing from your current school.

I am a high school student and want to take a course at Wake.
Is this possible?

Yes. High School juniors and seniors can take summer courses with the permission of their high school official.

Can international students take summer courses at WFU?

Current and incoming WFU international students are welcome to enroll in Summer Session. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to accept non-WFU international students into our regular summer program, though we hope to expand our programming to the international community in the future. Some special programs may accept international students. Please check with the contact listed on those programs for more information.

How do I transfer the Wake course credit to my home school?

Before you finish your course(s) here, go to the Office of the Registrar and request a transcript be sent to your school.

When is tuition due?

Tuition for both Summer I and Summer II is due June 1st. If you register on or after May 1, you will not receive a bill for tuition prior to the deadline. It is still your responsibility to ensure payment is made by June 1 to avoid class cancellation. If you hope to register for a class after the payment deadline has passed, you will be required to pay tuition prior to having your registration processed.

What do I do if I need housing and how much does it cost?

Contact Residence Life and Housing for the most current information on how to apply and pay for on-campus housing during the summer sessions.  

Can I live off campus during summer school?

Yes. Housing is typically available for those who need it, but it is not required for the regular summer program.  

How do I find out what textbooks I will need for my classes?

Visit the WFU Bookstore website and click on the “Textbooks” link near the top of the page. From here, you will be able to find the needed resources by entering your student ID or searching by course information.

I am a WFU student and would like to take courses at another school. What do I need to do?

Contact the Office of the Registrar concerning approval for summer school elsewhere and how to get credit at WFU.

How many credit hours must students take to be considered full-time students in the summer?

A Wake Forest University undergraduate student registered for one (1) or more credit hours at Wake Forest University during the summer is considered to be a full-time student during the summer part-of-term in which they are enrolled (Session I, Session II, or Full Summer).

Important Note: The above definition of full-time status during the summer session may not be coincident with requirements for Federal financial aid eligibility in the summer. For more information, contact Financial Aid (, 336-758-5154) or visit the website: